Friday 2 March 2018

Drug Induced Parkinsonism

Drug Induced Parkinsonism

 🔸The most important group is neuroleptic drugs, which acts as dopamine antagonists.
Ex: - Phenothiazines, Thioxanthenes and Butyrophenones.
 🔸Extrapyramidal effects are most likely occur with Fluphenazine, Perphenazine, Trifluopermazine and Haloperidol.
 🔸Least likely to occur with Thioridazine and Molindone.
 🔸Chlorpromazine, Acetophenazine, Chlorprothixene and Thiothixene are in an intermediate category.
 🔸Metoclopramide, centrally active D2 receptors antagonists, is a common cause of drug-induced Parkinsonism.
 🔸Reserpine and its synthetic analogue Tetrabenazine cause Parkinsonism by depletion of presynaptic stores of dopamine.

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