Sunday 4 March 2018

Named classifications

1.Halls criteria : Downs syndrome

2.Dukes criteria: Endocarditis/Heart failure

3.Butchers criteria :mesothelioma

4.Ann Arbours classifiacation :Hodgki.s lymphoma

5.Bismuth classification: tumors of hepatic ductal system

6.Nazers Index: Wilsons disz

7.Pagets Index : Abruptio placentae

8.Quetlet index: BMI -wt in kg/ht in meter square

9.Ponderal Index: ht in cm/cube root of body wt in kgs

10.Brocas index : Ht in cms-100

11.Corpulence index : Actual wt/desired wt

12Milans crjteria: for liver transplant in HCC

13.Mayers n cottons grading system: Subglottic stenosis

14.Spaldings criteria: abdominal pregnancy

15.GCS/Ransons criteria/APACHE score: Pancreatitis

16.Ennekings staging : Bone tumors

17.Mc Donald's criteria: Multiple Sclerosis

18.Epworths criteria : Sleep apnea

19.Framminghams criteria/Boston's criteria: CHF

20.Durie salmon system of staging: Multiple myeloma

21.Lights criteria: pleural effusion

22.GOLD's criteria :COPD

23.OKUDA staging : HCC

24.Child's Turcott pug score/MELD/PELD- Cirrhosis of liver

25.Mantrels criteria/Alvarado score: Appendicitis

26.Evan's staging: Neuroblastoma

27.FAB: Leukemias

28.Glisson's staging: Prostrate

29.Robson's staging : RCC

30.NADA's criteria: ASD assesment of child for heart disease

31.Rye classification: Hodgkins lymphoma

32.Chang staging: Medulloblastoma

33.Jackson's ataging :Penile Carcinoma

34.Seddons classification: Nerve injury n regeneration

35.Larren's classification:Gastric Ca

36.Neer's classification: supracondylar# femur

37.Gartland's classification: Supracondylar # Humerus

38.Amsel's criteria: bacterial vaginosis

39.Mallampati scoring: for intubation

40.Forrest classification: peptic ulcer bleed

41.Hess & Hunt Scale: subarachnoid hemorrhage

42.Duke staging : colon cancer

43.Rotterdam's criteria : PCOS

44.Le Fort 's classification : facial #

45.wells criteria: pulmonary embolism

46.Rule of wallace/Rule of 9: Burns

47.Mansons classification: Radial head #

48.Stanford classifi ation: Aortic dissection

49.Rockall scoring: adverse out come after GI bleed

50.Glasgow Blatchford score : UGI bleed for medical intervention

51.Waterlows classification: Malnutrition in children

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